Les 3 orateur·rices qui contribuent au programme de cette journée.

Inria, France

Research software engineer at Inria in Bordeaux, France, I have been working with kind yet demanding HPC practitioners who want it all—performance! flexibility! reproducibility! I founded Guix in 2012, soon joined by a team of intrepid developers, and Guix has proved to be a great tool to try and satisfy those HPC needs. I am member of the Software chapter of the French Comité pour la science ouverte (Open Science Committee).

GLiCID, France

Yann Dupont is currently working on the architectural, system and network aspects of GliCID, the HPC center for education and research in the Pays de Loire region of France. Before entering the HPC world in 2016, he was in charge of the infrastructure department at the University of Nantes, where he was involved in Linux, networking, storage and even programming.

  • Inria