Guix-HPC debut!
This post marks the debut of Guix-HPC, an effort to optimize GNU Guix for reproducible scientific workflows in high-performance computing (HPC). Guix-HPC is a joint effort between Inria, the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), and the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center (UBC). Ludovic Courtès, Ricardo Wurmus, Roel Janssen, and Pjotr Prins are driving the effort in each of these institutes, each one focusing specific areas of interest within this overall Guix-HPC effort. Our institutes have in common that they are users of HPC, and that, as scientific research institutes, they have an interest in using reproducible methodologies to carry out their research.
Our goals are really twofold: reproducible scientific workflows, and HPC software deployment. In this post we will describe what we hope to achieve in the coming months in these areas.
Reproducible scientific workflows
“Reproducible research”—something that sounds like a pleonasm—is becoming more important. More and more experiments rely on computation and software, but relying on software should not make these experiments non-reproducible. Unfortunately that has often been the case, but this is changing. To give a few examples, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) is now encouraging reproducibility in computing, journals such as Nature insists of the importance of sharing source code and supporting reproducibility, major conferences such as SuperComputing now have reproducibility guidelines, and Inria’s upcoming “strategic plan” will have a chapter on reproducible science.
We believe that a prerequisite of reproducible science are reproducible software environments. Of course it takes more than reproducible software environments to achieve reproducible scientific workflows—for instance, reproducible numerical recipes and deterministic parallel programs are crucial in HPC. Yet, getting code that accompanies research papers to build, when available, is often difficult, as shown by this 2015 study
In fact there’s a whole spectrum of initiatives around reproducibility: at one end of the spectrum, efforts like Software Heritage allow us to preserve source code. At the other end, there are efforts like ReScience, a peer-reviewed journal for computational sciences where everyone can replicate the computational experiments. Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, projects such as GNU Guix strive to support flexible and reproducible software deployment, as we described in our 2015 RepPar paper, Reproducible and User-Controlled Software Environments in HPC with Guix.
In a nutshell, just like they are able to unambiguously refer to a research article by its DOI, researchers should be able to unambiguously refer to software artifacts. Likewise, just like researchers should publish the data they rely on in their articles so that their peers can assess and question their work, they should publish the software that led to a particular result. This necessity is particular acute in areas such as numerical simulation or the development of run-time systems or compilers for HPC, since the results that are published depend in large part on software.
Containers to the rescue?
“Look, we have a solution!”, I hear you say. “Just use containers! Docker, Singularity, Shifter, you name it!” “Even Nature had an article explaining how containers ‘can boost the reproducibility of data-driven research’!”
It is true that “containers”, or, more accurately, “application bundles”, solve part of the reproducibility problem. Without them, users would build applications by themselves, and, inevitably, their software environment would be vastly different from yours: different version of the application, different compiler versions, different libraries, different compilation options, and so on. Conversely, an application bundles contains all the software that you used, the exact same bits that those you run on your machine. In that sense, application bundles get users a long way towards truly reproducible software environments.
As we jokingly illustrated in a talk at FOSDEM, those app bundles are akin to shrink-wrapped computers: they include all of the operating system and libraries that the application needs. But like shrink-wrapped computers, they’re inconvenient to deal with: you can’t easily unwrap them and add another application in them—another shrink-wrapped computer; you can’t easily unwrap them and experiment with a specific component; if you do unwrap them, you still do not know how they were built.
But is bit-for-bit reproducibility all that a researcher cares about? Don’t researchers want to go beyond reproducing the exact same bits? Of course they do. To pick a concrete example, one of the teams at Inria develops StarPU, a run-time system to schedule computational tasks on CPUs, GPUs, and accelerators. The team next-door develops linear algebra software such as Chameleon that relies on StarPU to get good performance. Researchers working on scheduling in StarPU might want to fiddle with how Chameleon uses StarPU and see how this affects performance; likewise, Chameleon developers might want to fiddle with the scheduling algorithms StarPU uses to see if it could work better for their workload. This simple example illustrates the need for tools that not only support reproducibility, but also enable experimentation.
We believe that app bundles fall short on this requirement. Conversely, Guix supports both bit-for-bit reproducibility and experimentation. In Guix, package definitions express software composition in unambiguous terms. Given a commit of the Guix repository, anyone building a set of packages as defined in Guix will get the exact same result, usually bit-for-bit. Yet, Guix also allows users to define package variants, either programmatically or from the command line. These properties get us closer to having both reproducible and customizable software deployments.
Software deployment on HPC systems
Perhaps at this point you’re thinking that this sounds interesting, but that all you’ve ever seen when it comes to software deployment on HPC systems is the venerable “modules” tool set. “Modules” provide a level of customization that’s greatly appreciated on these big multi-user HPC systems: as a user you get to choose which versions of the packages to load in your environment, and you can have separate sessions using different packages and package versions. The downside is that modules rely on sysadmins to package the software. Thus, different machines may have different modules; modules may vanish when sysadmins decide it—that could be on the day before the deadline for your super-important paper; useful packages might be missing a module; packages available as modules might be configured not quite they way you’d like; and so on. In other words, there’s a lack of flexibility.
This problem has been recognized over the year by the HPC community. For example, the Strategic Research Agenda of the European Technology Platform for HPC, Section 5.2.3, calls for more “flexible execution contexts” on clusters. The main answers to that, in addition to containers, which are still mostly unavailable on HPC systems, has been to develop custom package managers such as EasyBuild and Spack. These tools are comparable to standard package managers found on GNU/Linux (apt, yum, etc.), but they are tailored for use by unprivileged HPC users. Without being root on the supercomputer, you can now build and install software package by EasyBuild or Spack. On top of that, these tools provide ways for you to customize package recipes. For example, Spack has many command-line and configuration options allowing you to customize the build process—choosing the compiler that is used, choosing the MPI or BLAS implementation, etc.
The main downside, this time, is that the very ability to use these tools without root privileges hampers reproducibility. Concretely, what builds on one machine might fail to build on another one, as illustrated by reports like this one or that one. It is the kind of discrepancy that Guix tries hard to avoid. It runs each build in isolated environments where only the build’s inputs are accessible. Unless the software or its build procedure is non-deterministic, this ensures that a given build process produces the same result on any machine. In other words, if I managed to build a package on my laptop, I can tell you you can build the same package on your supercomputer and get the exact same bits. That’s a good property to have!
Stay tuned!
Truth to be said, to our knowledge, Guix is currently deployed only on a
handful of supercomputers today: the MDC runs it, so does the UBC,
Inria’s research center in Bordeaux will deploy it on its cluster in the
coming months, and a look at the activity on the guix-devel
list suggests that several other HPC deployments are actively used in
academic contexts. There are several reasons why there aren’t more Guix
deployments on HPC clusters. One of them is that Guix is only 4 years
old, and it was not specifically written as a tool for HPC and research
scientists—it just happens to have useful properties in this context.
The other reason is the fact that, to achieve build isolation,
it relies on features of the kernel Linux
usually only available to system administrators.
The Guix-HPC effort will attempt to address this, both through technical means (more on that later), by discussing and raising awareness of the reproducibility and deployment situation in the HPC community, and by giving talks and running training sessions. We will also work on improving the user experience and workflows for researchers using Guix with HPC and reproducibility in mind.
In future posts, we’ll first describe what the institutes involves in
Guix-HPC expect from this project, and how they take advantage of Guix.
We’ll also describe concrete actions we’ve identified to achieve these
goals. So please stay tuned, and share your ideas, comments, and
criticism with us on the
mailing list!
If you are already using Guix and would like to join the effort, or if
you have questions about training sessions or deployment on your
cluster, please email us on the
private alias.
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